How to Get that Put Together Look Every Day

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by Miriam Silverberg

I am SO organized.

Recently two women whom I see fairly often complimented me on how well put together I always look and wondered how I was able to do it in the morning rushing to get out.  The answer is I can’t and I don’t.

All my life, starting in kindergarten, I have always put together my entire outfit the night before. When I started kindergarten, I wanted to choose what to wear each day, but even at that tender age, my Mother knew I was not a morning person.  So each evening we would go through my closet and take out an outfit for the next day from the skin out.  I was the best dressed girl in kindergarten.

I get the weather report the night before and plan exactly what I will wear.  I go through my closets and drawers and take everything out starting with my underpinnings.  Lingerie, dress or skirt and top or pants.

If the blouse requires cufflinks, I put them in.  I take out any scarves I want to wear and decide exactly how I will wear it.  My jewelry is also put out and if I’m wearing a pin on a jacket, it gets pinned then.  My shoes are taken out along with pantyhose or, if wearing pants, knee socks.  My makeup is put out in the order in which I apply it.

I know, I’m ridiculously well-organized but I have to be because in the morning, if you ask me my name, I’m stuck for an answer!  I’m just not a morning person.  I can’t make any decisions in the morning.

Of course, you can see the problem in these best-laid plans.  Predicting the weather is not an exact science and sometimes the lovely, balmy day predicted overnight becomes a hail storm the next morning. Then I’m in trouble.  I have to actually concentrate, focus and make decisions.  Does the jacket become

A coat?  Can I still wear the dress I put out or does that change, too?  And certainly, the shoes have to be changed.  But I do the best I can and usually look well put together.

I know very few women do this, saying they’re just too tired at night.  But if you tried it, I think it would soon become a habit and an enjoyable way to end the day.  And you’ll never look as if you got dressed fleeing a burning building!

Miriam Silverberg is a freelance journalist and owner of Miriam Silverberg Associates, a boutique publicity agency in Manhattan.  She can be reached at


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1 Response

  1. What a great post!! Thank you Miriam for sharing your insight into why you always look polished. I am also extremely organized, but do so in different ways. So it is so enjoyable and refreshing to read your modus operandi!

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