Get Out The Hell No’s.

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Editor’s Note: Here’s Scarlett’s Tip #2 on how to get control of your closet to help you End Your Closet Shame. If you missed Tip #1, click here.

You know you have more clothes in your closet than you need or even want, but thinking that doesn’t get you any closer to having a closet filled with clothes you love to wear.

Knowing how to identify what needs to get out of your closet will get you closer to going from dread when you open those doors to bliss.

Kinda like when the Wizard Of Oz went from black and white to color. You deserve that change too.

Here’s Tip #2 to show you how to know which of your clothes need to get out and stay out of your closet. By the time you’ve followed all my my tips to end your closet shame, you’ll have fewer clothes in your closet but more outfits to wear after you get the clothes that are doing you wrong out of your life…I mean closet.

PS: If you would like to look thinner without going to the gym or on a diet, you’ll love my checklist on How To Look Thinner using the clothes and accessories you already own.

Scarlett DeBease, Professional Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist, is the founder of “The Always Know What To Wear Program™“. As an Image Consultant, Speaker & Savvy Personal Shopper, she shows women how to project confidence & success by always knowing what to wear. As a bonus, Scarlett’s tips will help you Look Younger, Thinner and Taller while projecting Confidence & Success as you now will be wearing the clothes that fit and flatter you the most. Scarlett believes women deserve Real-Overs, not makeovers.

Visit her at:

Scarlett DeBease

Scarlett DeBease, Professional Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist, is the founder of “The Always Know What To Wear Program™“. As an Image Consultant, Speaker & Savvy Personal Shopper, she shows women how to project confidence & success by always knowing what to wear. As a bonus, Scarlett’s tips will help you Look Younger, Thinner and Taller while projecting Confidence & Success as you now will be wearing the clothes that fit and flatter you the most. Scarlett believes women deserve Real-Overs, not makeovers. Visit her at:

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