SF Life: Cocktails, Irving Berlin, Flowers, Luxury Reboot

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3T newsletter sign up smallHow about a field trip for grown ups? Everyone knows The Exploratorium right? Perhaps you accompanied your kidlets there on school trips. NOW you can have your own field trip with a night of sipping specialty cocktails to benefit the Exploratorium lab. Or, would you like to sit back and be entertained like me and LOVE the music of Irving Berlin, well now you can listen to his music (and tales of his life) performed by actor, pianist and playwright Hershey Felder at The Mountain View Center for Performing Arts. And lastly, as we know a new year is the time to reinvigorate or possibly reinvent yourself. Check out a Luxury Lifestyle Reboot at Meadowood – For the Love of YOU!

Jan. 22. Science of Cocktails

SF Life:  Cocktails, Irving Berlin, Flowers, Luxury RebootFor one night only, the Exploratorium’s sixth annual Science of Cocktails will bring together physicists, master distillers, chemists and renowned mixologists for a party that both educates and entertains. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Exploratorium’s education programs. Featuring more than two dozen prominent brands and bars with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options, the event will explore the art and science of mixology while guests enjoy an open bar, hors d’oeuvres and special cocktail-related activities.

Throughout the course of the evening, attendees will learn how to turn beer bottles into recycled glasses and isolate their DNA using alcohol, among many other programs, demonstrations and hands on opportunities.  Here is your chance to be a kid in an adult environment. Maybe they will even have some tomato juice to add to spirits in honor of all you tomatoes out there! Get tickets.

Jan. 13-Feb. 14. Hershey Felder as Irving Berlin

SF Life:  Cocktails, Irving Berlin, Flowers, Luxury RebootEven if you don’t know Irving Berlin by name, I know you’ve heard plenty of his famous songs. Perhaps you know the following tunes, “God Bless America”, “White Christmas”, “There’s no Business like Show Business”?  The list goes on and on as well. NOW you can experience this quintessential American composer at the Mountain View Center for Performing Arts, through the performance of immensely talented actor, Hershey Felder. He has previously performed as George Gershwin, Beethoven and Chopin. Felder masterfully depicts Berlin and regales the audience with stories about Berlin’s life and how he created the music that is still popular today. I can’t promise I won’t be singing along! Get tickets.

Random Acts of Flowers: Silicon Valley – Menlo Park

SF Life:  Cocktails, Irving Berlin, Flowers, Luxury RebootA unique way to give back and recycle…. going green and bringing smiles. Random acts of Flowers recycles and repurposes flowers and is run strictly by volunteers. Started in 2007 by a gentleman named Larsen Jay, this unique volunteer organization brings flowers to hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers and others. Jay was hospitalized and wanted to do something with all the flowers he had been gifted when he went home. He delivered them to patients who had no one near by and no flowers to lift their spirits. He saw the emotional healing occur by the smiles on their faces. RAF partners with grocery stores, florists, wedding venues and the like to take used or unsellable floral arrangements back to their facility.

Volunteers remove wilting flowers and donate those to a compost company. The thriving flowers are rearranged to make beautiful bouquets that are then donated. The recipients are those in need of a lift who are without a support network. It’s a great day type of volunteer project. You gather some friends, or do solo, deconstruct and prep arrangements, bring out your inner florist and create bouquets and deliver them. The great thing is that you need not commit to an ongoing schedule. You can volunteer when you like. A great birthday idea to do with a group of friends. Celebrate a day giving back!  Other locations include Illinois, Tennessee and Florida as well. Get more info.

 Jan. 21-24. For The Love Of You – Luxury Lifestyle Reboot

SF Life:  Cocktails, Irving Berlin, Flowers, Luxury RebootCalling all Life Ninjas to Meadowood Resort in Napa Valley!  Debbie Parsons, President of local award-winning Bay Area Event Company TPG created this luxurious event for women looking to “own it” and carve their own path. Deb and her tribe coined the phrase Life Ninjas, meaning cool people who live authentically and with clear direction. Wouldn’t we all like to have that, be that, own that?

With luxury as the backdrop, Deb’s venture is designed to create a tribe of like minded individuals interested in pushing through barriers and getting sparked by meaningful connections. This just seems like THE event for tomatoes looking to build a roadmap for creating purpose in life and work.

This three-day event at the ever indulgent Meadowood brings you personalized talent assessments, yoga instruction along with 5 star meals (yes of course wine too!) Truly inspirational special guests will be sharing their personal journeys adding even more spice to this off the charts event. Best-selling author Kelly Corrigan “Glitter and Glue” joins Kimberly Chambers, world record setting open water swimmer and Whitney Johnson, one of the world’s most influential management thinkers. AND there are more amazing speakers, influencers, ninjas who will be sharing and chatting with ALL of the attendees. Hold me back, I’m chomping at the bit…Let’s dream big dreams and discover our inner Ninjas! For more information and to register: http://www.tpgfortheloveofyou.com


Kim Selby, the SF life editor of The Three Tomatoes, is your gal for info on what’s hot and happening in the beautiful bay area. Having lived on the Left Coast for 27 years, after almost a decade in NYC, she has explored and continues to have adventures all over the San Francisco area. Passionate about fashion, formerly with GLAMOUR magazine and Fashion Director at Saks Fifth Avenue , Palo Alto, Kim produced fashion shows in the bay area for over 20 years. She now creates events to empower, delight and inspire women, aka “Tomatoes”. Learn more about Kim at www.kimduffselby.com
Listen to her podcast, "Ignite Your Spark" wherever you listen to podcasts.

Kim Selby

Kim Selby, the SF life editor of The Three Tomatoes, is your gal for info on what’s hot and happening in the beautiful bay area. Having lived on the Left Coast for 27 years, after almost a decade in NYC, she has explored and continues to have adventures all over the San Francisco area. Passionate about fashion, formerly with GLAMOUR magazine and Fashion Director at Saks Fifth Avenue , Palo Alto, Kim produced fashion shows in the bay area for over 20 years. She now creates events to empower, delight and inspire women, aka “Tomatoes”. Learn more about Kim at www.kimduffselby.com Listen to her podcast, "Ignite Your Spark" wherever you listen to podcasts.

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