Feng Shui and Plants

Feng Shui and plantsTomatoes, this past week I spoke at the Cities Alive conference for green roofs and green living walls. They asked me to speak about Environmental Psychology and the Feng Shui of plants. I covered scientific and evidence based studies that speak of the healthful benefits of living plants, to a crowd of landscape professionals, engineers and scientists. It got me thinking about how advantageous it would be if everyone understood the benefits of plant life when incorporated in the design of homes and office spaces.

Most of us spend 95% of our time indoors. When we are at work at our desks, watching sports on television, eating our meals at home or in restaurants, playing video games or enjoying museums or theater, it is easy to forget our connection to the outdoor world. Still, some of the happiest moments of our lives are spent outdoors. We all have recollections of these experiences—a blazing sunset, the scent of the ocean air, animal life encountered on a stroll through the woods, the view of a pastel sunrise from a mountaintop, a golden  harvest moon or the fleeting glimpse of a mammoth butterfly. This intuitive “knowing” that we have a biological connection to nature is called Biophilia. Think of reducing stress, improving well-being, creativity, cognitive function and even promoting healing and restorative responses through the conscious interior design of your homes and offices. This is where Biophilia and design comes into play.

As our population gravitates to urban areas for living and working, our need to reconnect to nature becomes more urgent. Bringing plant-life into our interior spaces is a solution that all can attain. There are no economic barriers to achieving this and there are a plethora of benefits impacting overall health and happiness.

In the world of scientific engineers and researchers, plants are being acknowledged as a wonderful acoustical tool controlling and eliminating a wide range of sounds. Floras also help control indoor temperatures and humidity. Green is the most restful color for the eyes, so it is the perfect company to have, in a work place or at home at the end of a tiring day. In Feng Shui it is believed that plants can absorb negative energy known as “Chi.” NASA   confirms this with scientific studies that show how plants remove toxins from the air. Other research shows how electro-magnetic fields (EMFS) are absorbed by plant life combating the negative effects of our high tech devices.

Tomatoes, here is your Feng Shui Guide to Better Living with Plant Life:

feng shui and plants, the three tomatoesThe Jade plant is a succulent that has round leaves that resemble coins. This is known as the “money plant.” About every 10 years under the right conditions the Jade plant blossoms. Once in bloom, money begins to flow!

The Lotusis a symbol of clarity and spiritual wisdom.

Orchids and Chrysanthemums represent a life of simplicity and comfort.

The Hibiscus plant connects us to abundance, recognition, and prosperity.

Ivy symbolizes friendship and expresses reliability and endurance.

The bamboo plant represents longevity and is also a symbol of protection and peace of mind.

Enjoy you plants, their many benefits and the beauty they bring to your interior world!

Debra Duneier is the Founder and President of EcoChi, LLC, a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, an accredited LEED® Green Associate and Certified Eco-Designer. Debra is the creator of the EcoChi® system of design and the award winning author of EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience, released September, 17th 2011. Her training, background and perspective have made her a resource on topics including: Feng Shui, Green Design and Sustainability and Wellness, for media outlets including Martha Stewart Radio, Brokers Weekly, Social Life Magazine, Barons.com, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, Sierra Club, The Huffington Post and the Associated Press. In addition to her EcoChi design consulting business, Debra is a keynote speaker and also runs workshops and seminars for a variety of corporations and trade organizations. She finds grounding in nature, friends and family in her North Fork, Long Island home in New York.

Visit Debbie at: www.ecochi.com/ or

Debra Duneier

Debra Duneier is the Founder and President of EcoChi, LLC, a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, an accredited LEED® Green Associate and Certified Eco-Designer. Debra is the creator of the EcoChi® system of design and the award winning author of EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience, released September, 17th 2011. Her training, background and perspective have made her a resource on topics including: Feng Shui, Green Design and Sustainability and Wellness, for media outlets including Martha Stewart Radio, Brokers Weekly, Social Life Magazine, Barons.com, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, Sierra Club, The Huffington Post and the Associated Press. In addition to her EcoChi design consulting business, Debra is a keynote speaker and also runs workshops and seminars for a variety of corporations and trade organizations. She finds grounding in nature, friends and family in her North Fork, Long Island home in New York. Visit Debbie at: www.ecochi.com/ or debra@ecochi.com

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