An Uplifting Experience: Why I Got a Facelift

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by Carol Ostrow

One particular morning, just prior to the pandemic shutdown, I rushed out of bed to begin a really difficult albeit exciting day. I was going to produce a musical fundraiser for my favorite charity. So much to do, so many details to remember. I was anxious, well prepared and ready to go.

As I do every morning, I peered in the mirror to wash my hands, face, brush my teeth, doing all the normal, daily rituals. Then, quite casually, I looked closely into the mirror to insert my contact lenses. Suddenly, my jaw dropped. No, literally, my jaw line had dropped from a youthful oval to this rather unrecognizable square. Whose face was that looking back at me?  I looked around the room. Good lord, it was me. I live alone.

I was much too busy that day putting the pieces together for the show to think about the shock of my aging facial features. Then, as we all experienced it, the Covid crisis took over our lives as well as serious political issues. I wore a mask, like everyone else and went about the business of survival, buying toilet paper and listening to the news. I even wrote a little poetry to keep sane. I did not think about my face…. until I did.

Now you know as well as I that make up and creams go just so far. I have so much filler and botox in me that if you turned me up side down, I would flood a basement. Nothing wrong with that and it works, to a point. That point was reached and I made the decision to have my very annoying neck and jawline rejuvenated.

If you are considering this, please do your research, asking friends about the most popular surgeon is extremely important. Don’t expect anyone to show you their own lifts, heaven forbid. Consultations are mandatory so that you have real expectations, not expecting miracles. I was astounded at the cost. It is equivalent to a down payment for a luxury apartment.

I found the most skilled surgeon, liked his realistic approach and made the date.

So, the decision was made, had the procedure and now following all the many important tasks in the day to a healthy recovery. I am very swollen, to be sure and uncomfortable, certainly. Very little bruising which is a welcome surprise. Giving up wine and caffeine was not as difficult as I thought.

I should be getting the stitches removed next week and ready for my appearance, in public, soon afterwards. Cannot wait to look and feel better about myself so that I can concentrate on doing good things in the world and not think about my appearance anymore.  I just want to get dressed, go to work and enjoy my life and friends without thinking of how I look. Confidence is the real beauty treatment anyway, don’t you think?

Carol Ostrow is an accomplished theatrical producer in New York City. She is also president of the Actors’ Temple, the “Jewel of a Shul,” and has raised money for the renovation of the building through her producing efforts and highly acclaimed fundraiser shows. Her first poetry book, Poems from My Pandemic Pen is available on Amazon and booksellers everywhere.

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1 Response

  1. Ellen Easton says:

    Hope you heal well and will show us all your before and after photos. Just understand your face swelling may not heal evenly and may take up to six months to settle down.

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