10 Tips for Dining Out With Food Allergies

food allergies, healthy women, the three tomatoesfrom HealthyWomen.org’s Allergies & Asthma Health Center

by Marcia Mangum  Cronin

Most of us enjoy going out to eat, but for people with food allergies and intolerances, it can be a stressful, scary and even dangerous time. A hidden ingredient—or even exposure to an ingredient on a preparation surface—can set off a severe reaction for some people.

Some restaurants are very accommodating of people with food allergies. They provide extensive staff training and have rules in place. Many restaurants, however, are unable—or unwilling—to prepare allergy-friendly meals.

That can be dangerous for people with food allergies or food intolerances. While true food allergies are relatively rare, food intolerances are more common.  And both can be uncomfortable.

A food intolerance, or a food sensitivity, occurs when you have difficulty digesting a food. It can lead to gas, abdominal pain or diarrhea, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

sign up boxA food allergy involves an immune system reaction.  Common symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, headache, hives or rashes, red itchy eyes and maybe even stomach cramps, vomiting or diarrhea. Common allergy triggers include peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish.

In some cases, a food allergy can be much worse. Even a microscopic amount of food can cause a serious or life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock—a sudden and sometimes deadly drop in blood pressure. Anaphylactic shock can potentially stop the heart or lead to complete closure of air passages, causing death by suffocation.

So how can you avoid an allergy attack when dining out?

Here are some tips from HealthyWomen and Paul Antico, founder and CEO of AllergyEats, the leading guide to allergy-friendly restaurants nationwide. He is also the father of three food-allergic children and a passionate food allergy advocate.

Do your homework. Use online resources like AllergyEats, a free website and app, to determine which restaurants to visit and which to avoid. AllergyEats bases its restaurant ratings on feedback from people with food allergies and rates solely on how well the restaurants accommodate food allergies. Also check the restaurant’s website and menu and call to ask if they can accommodate your needs.

Tell the staff about your food allergies. Clearly communicate about your food allergies with the server, manager and/or chef. Make sure they can confidently and intelligently answer your questions and reassure you that they’re well-equipped to handle your food allergies.

Ask specific questions. Ask about ingredients of various dishes and how they’re prepared. Questions could include: Which menu items are not safe, given my food allergies? How are diners’ allergies communicated to the kitchen staff? How do you prevent cross-contamination? Is separate equipment used to prepare food-allergic guests’ orders? Ask open-ended questions. For example, “What kind of oil do you use to cook the French fries?” rather than, “Are the French fries cooked in peanut oil?”

Don’t hesitate to leave. If you don’t feel comfortable with the answers you get from the staff, leave and find another restaurant.

Double-check your food. When you receive your meal, politely ask the server if they’re sure this is your special allergy-friendly meal. Look carefully to see if any of your allergens are present (for example, grated cheese, pesto, nuts). Some restaurants follow all the “rules” to accommodate food allergies, and then make a mistake, like grating cheese on a dairy-allergic diner’s salad.

Keep it simple. Stick to simple, whole foods, such as vegetables and meats that haven’t been processed, coated or mixed. Unless you know what’s in them, avoid sauces, dips, marinated items, casseroles and desserts.

Dine at off-peak hours. When restaurant staff is less busy, they’ll be better able to take the proper precautions with your order.

Don’t get emotional. It can be stressful when a restaurant’s staff doesn’t “get it,” especially if you (or your child) has severe, life-threatening food allergies. Be polite but firm, making sure the staff take your needs seriously. When ordering for a child with allergies, stay calm and composed so you don’t frighten your child about the process. Having a plan can make you feel more in control, less anxious and less emotional.

Be prepared to treat an exposure. Even the most careful restaurants can make mistakes. If you or your child has severe allergies that could cause a life-threatening reaction, always carry an epinephrine auto-injector, Benadryl or your other allergy medications. A epinephrine syringe must be obtained by prescription from a health care professional, and the shelf life is about 18 months.

For more information on the health topics mentioned in this article visit the HealthyWomen.org areas below.

Allergies & Asthma: www.healthywomen.org/healthcenter/allergies-and-asthma

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HealthyWomen (HW) is the nation's leading independent health information source for women. Our core mission is to educate, inform and empower women to make smart health choices for themselves and their families. For more than 20 years, millions of women have been coming to HW for answers to their most pressing and personal health care questions. Through our wide array of online and print publications, HW provides health information that is original, objective, reviewed by medical experts and reflective of the advances in evidence-based health research. www.HealthyWomen.org®, was named one of the "Top 100 Websites for Women" by ForbesWoman. In addition, Dr. Mehmet Oz recommended the site as his choice "for one-stop women's health advice" in O, The Oprah Magazine.

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