SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your Cork

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Ever heard of Heart math? I hadn’t either until I took this class – juicy information and techniques you will learn about the mind-heart connection. Pop your Cork – A fab way to start the holiday season at this benefit to provide art in low-income neighborhoods. Yes, the holiday season is here and I’m sure most tomatoes reading this are fortunate to have a beautiful home with access to nourishing, healthy, healing food. We all know that there are so many less fortunate in our area. As we give thanks for all of our bounty, many like to take time to give to others, and here are a few ways to do so this Thanksgiving if you feel motivated.

Nov. 12. Heart Math

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your CorkThis unique program is facilitated by Jaymie Meyer (tomato extraordinaire). She is a certified Stress Management Specialist, a yoga therapist and a New Life Story Coach, along with being a Heart Math Program facilitator. In three hours, she teaches ways to help manage stress (oh who has any of that?), maintain a balanced life, build resilience and so much more. Much scientific research has gone into the creation of the Heart/math program.

The organization helps people interested in improving their emotional, mental and physical health. You get really practical solutions that help transform the stress of change and uncertainty. It’s really a different concept linking our heart and our brain. Saturday November 12, 10 – 1. Get more info.  

Nov. 12. Pop Your Cork

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your CorkTomorrow evening at The Museum of Craft and Design, should you find yourself with a free night, head to the museum for a night of wine tasting, gastronomic nibbles, a hands-on-design lab, silent auction and live music. This fundraiser supports MakeArt Educational programs. Integrating the arts and art making activities, volunteers present these crafty programs at libraries and public schools in low-income neighborhoods.

This year, they have already served over 2,000 young ones. Participating in art encourages children to express their creativity, unleash any worries and have a great time. It does the same thing for those of us “who aren’t kids”, so you might be interested in trying some of their adult hands-on-crafting events. Let go and create! Get the details.

Giving Thanks by Helping Others

This time of year brings out the stress in all of us, and even more so for those who struggle daily just to feed themselves. We can help by cooking, serving and simply smiling! Giving to others nourishes our soul – let’s get that kind of nourishment this season!

Nov. 24. Thanksgiving Day Outreach

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your CorkThe goals of this organization that serves residents of the Tenderloin, is to deliver 7,000 hot meals to homes, serve 300 sit down Thanksgiving dinners and deliver 500 grocery bags. There are a host of jobs for the day including welcoming residents of the Tenderloin to the Rescue Mission Banquet area, translating for refugees from Asia and Mexico along with serving and delivering. There is a clothing tent where you can distribute much needed clean clothes or if you are in the medical profession you can join in and provide assistance in the medical area or join a team to make medical house calls. Nov. 24. The Tenderloin. 9am-2PM.  Get more information on how to serve.

Nov. 24. Meals On Wheels

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your CorkAnother underserved population in SF is the elderly, particularly those who are handicapped and have no family nearby. Each year on Thanksgiving Day, Meals and Wheels gives its regular drivers the day off and over 600 volunteers take their place. Delivering over 1,700 hot meals to the housebound elderly. It’s wonderful that our community so freely gives and these spots fill up quickly, so if you are interested sign up now! Give back here: www.mowsf.org

November 19 – 24. St. Anthony’s

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your Cork“Dignity is always in season at St. Anthony’s” That is the resounding motto for the holidays at this organization that collects over 2,000 turkeys to serve the homeless in San Francisco alone. Volunteer opportunities abound the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the time slots fill up quickly. At the time of this writing, there are still shifts available on Thanksgiving Day and the week leading up to the feast. You can always donate food or time any day of the year, as the dining room is open 365 days. For more info on volunteering: www.stanthonysf.org

Nov. 24. Glide Memorial Chruch

SF Life: Give Thanks & Help Others, Heart Math, Pop Your CorkThis ever-popular church and place of philanthropy hosts a number of events every holiday season. On Thanksgiving Day there is breakfast at 7 and Thanksgiving Dinner from 9am – 1:30 p.m. Thousands of nutritious, delicious meals will be served. Staff members and hundreds of volunteers make this a true day of thanks for the city’s poor, homeless and hungry. If you are unable to volunteer, but this organization speaks to you,

November 30 is their Annual Holiday Jam at the Masonic. WALK THAT WALK features live performances from the Glide Ensemble along with special guests. If you have not heard the Gospel Singers from Glide – this is a great way to move to the beat and feed your soul. All things GLIDE here: www.glide.org

Kim Selby, the SF life editor of The Three Tomatoes, is your gal for info on what’s hot and happening in the beautiful bay area. Having lived on the Left Coast for 27 years, after almost a decade in NYC, she has explored and continues to have adventures all over the San Francisco area. Passionate about fashion, formerly with GLAMOUR magazine and Fashion Director at Saks Fifth Avenue , Palo Alto, Kim produced fashion shows in the bay area for over 20 years. She now creates events to empower, delight and inspire women, aka “Tomatoes”. Learn more about Kim at www.kimduffselby.com
Listen to her podcast, "Ignite Your Spark" wherever you listen to podcasts.

Kim Selby

Kim Selby, the SF life editor of The Three Tomatoes, is your gal for info on what’s hot and happening in the beautiful bay area. Having lived on the Left Coast for 27 years, after almost a decade in NYC, she has explored and continues to have adventures all over the San Francisco area. Passionate about fashion, formerly with GLAMOUR magazine and Fashion Director at Saks Fifth Avenue , Palo Alto, Kim produced fashion shows in the bay area for over 20 years. She now creates events to empower, delight and inspire women, aka “Tomatoes”. Learn more about Kim at www.kimduffselby.com Listen to her podcast, "Ignite Your Spark" wherever you listen to podcasts.

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