Robert Mapplethorpe at The Guggenheim

The Guggenheim Museum is presenting a year-long exhibit in two sequential parts honoring the work of Robert Mapplethorpe, one of the most critically acclaimed yet controversial artists of the 20th century. The first part is on view now until July 10 and the second goes on view July 24.

When you see it, and you absolutely must see it, you will know why he’s so controversial. There are so many of his photos and portraits on view. His daring imagery deliberately transgresses social mores and set off censorship debates during the 80’s and 90’s. He had an obsession with perfection that he brought to bear on his approach to each of his subjects whether it be a nude or a flower.
His photographs initiated the Guggenheim’s photography collection and what a collection it is. You must go and see the work of this cultural icon. You won’t regret it.

Miriam Silverberg is a freelance writer and the owner of Miriam Silverberg Associates, a boutique publicity agency in Manhattan. She may be reached
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