Re-solve or Resolve?


As we step into 2023, let’s talk about New Year’s resolutions.

A study of New Years’ resolution success found that 88% of New Year’s resolutions are unsuccessful.

So apparently people everywhere make bold declarations to achieve something in the new year … and they only have a 10-12% chance of actually accomplishing it. Yikes.

Of course, life happens. Everyday obligations can quickly get in the way of your best intentions.

And all that enthusiasm for potential change can become just one more disappointment—let’s not have 2023 start like that!

For some of us, we even take on the same issue or habit we’ve tried in years past to fix—but with no new strategy.

That’s not a resolution … that’s trying to re-solve an existing problem with the same failed solution.

So here are my 3 best tips for making New Year’s resolutions that stick AND that will increase your odds of success by 50% or more.

Be Realistic
A successful New Year’s resolution should be bite sized and fit into your daily life—it shouldn’t demand too much time, money or energy to be successful.

Setting realistic goals that are relatively easy to integrate into your schedule is better than overreaching only to become just another statistic.

Be Specific 
A vague resolution is more likely to fail than one that is specific and measurable.

For example, setting a goal to get into better physical shape this year by joining a gym will likely get you a gym membership … and not much else.

Try refining your resolutions by making them S.M.A.R.T goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Likewise, setting a goal of “getting organized” is too unclear to be successful, so refine your resolution to something doable like any of these:

  • I will work my way through my kitchen, 1 hour a week, until every drawer and cabinet has been sorted and things I no longer use are let go.
  • I will spend 15 mins per day for the next 30 days in the following areas: Entryway, Kitchen, Closets, Bathroom
  • I will donate five things each month that I no longer use—for the next 12 months

Any one of the above will get you better organized, right?

Pay attention to “all or nothing” thinking that has you shooting for the moon and crashing and burning in the backyard instead.

Be Accountable
Set yourself up for resolution success by putting some accountability into place.

Choose a goal that you will be both proud to tell friends and family about and equally embarrassed if you bailed on.

It is much easier to keep a goal if everyone knows that you are working towards it!

If you want to take accountability to the next level, find an accountability buddy to help track your progress. I’ve been working with mine for the past 7 years and it has completely changed how I show up for myself and my goals.

The give and take in holding someone accountable and being held responsible is a great way to kick those excuses to the curb.



And if one of your goals is to finally get control over clutter and set yourself free from all that stuff then please join us for the De-Stress Your Mess LIVE Challenge starting soon!

The challenge starts January 9, 2023, and is 5 days of LIVE instruction from me along with tips to help you clear out your clutter hotspots and make spaces you can love. Don’t miss out… register today!

Looking forward to a new year filled with joy and peace—and without so much stuff!

Andrew Mellen has been called “The Most Organized Man in America”. His message is simple: Get rid of clutter and everything opens up. Everything means everything—your workspace, your home, your time and your life. Without clutter to distract you, you will finally have free time for what matters.

One of the pioneers of professional organizing, Andrew travels the world speaking and teaching. He also works with individuals, and global brands including the New York Mets, Genentech, American Express, Time, Inc. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

He is passionate about organization, sustainability, and mindfulness, and lives by his motto: More love, less stuff!

Find out how Andrew’s expertise, compassion and sense of humor can help change your life and your relationship with stuff today.

Andrew Mellen

Andrew Mellen has been called “The Most Organized Man in America”. His message is simple: Get rid of clutter and everything opens up. Everything means everything—your workspace, your home, your time and your life. Without clutter to distract you, you will finally have free time for what matters. One of the pioneers of professional organizing, Andrew travels the world speaking and teaching. He also works with individuals, and global brands including the New York Mets, Genentech, American Express, Time, Inc. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is passionate about organization, sustainability, and mindfulness, and lives by his motto: More love, less stuff! Find out how Andrew’s expertise, compassion and sense of humor can help change your life and your relationship with stuff today.

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