Our Entertainment Picks

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With so much streaming entertainment available us and new movies now in the theaters, it can be overwhelming to pick what to watch. We have three suggestions we think you’ll love – two limited series and a movie. “From Scratch (8 episodes on Netflix); “The Last Movie Stars,” a 6-part docuseries about Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward; and “She Said,” now playing in theaters, the story of the New York Times reporters who broke the Harvey Weinstein story.

From Scratch – Get the Tissues Ready

From Scratch, an 8-episode series now on Netflix, is based on Tembi Locke’s memoir of the same title, and knowing the show is based on a true story makes it even more poignant. It tells the beautiful love story of a young artist played to perfection by Zoe Saldana who travels to Italy and meets a young Sicilian chef played by Eugenio Mastrandrea whose performance is pitch perfect. The scenes in Italy are breathtaking and if you are not familiar with the story, the first episode might have you thinking this another romantic saga in a beautiful place. But this story of love, loss, and family has many, may layers. And yes, you will need a big box of tissues.

Here’s an interview that Katie Couric did with Tembi Locke and her sister Attica Locke who also are co-creators of the series. But don’t watch until you have seen the series.

The Last Movie Stars

This fascinating 6-part docuseries now on HBO Max, The Last Movie Stars is a six-part documentary from CNN Films and HBO Max that chronicles Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s iconic careers and decades-long partnership. Director Ethan Hawke brings life and color to this definitive history of their dedication to their art, philanthropy, and each other. Academy Award-winning director, writer, and producer Martin Scorsese serves as executive producer. You will fall in love in Paul and Joanne all over again and you will want to see everyone of their movies. The series is so well done, with voice over interviews done by George Clooney as Paul, and Laura Linney as Joanne. And it was created during COVID, and Ethan Hawke and many celebrities like Sally Field come in and Zoom and talk about this incredible couple. The series was originated and produced by Emily Wachtel who will be a guest on our upcoming The Three Tomatoes Happy Hour Podcast.

She Said – Now in theaters Everywhere

You may think you know about everything about the Harvey Weinstein explosive allegations of sexual abuse and power in Hollywood that ultimately led to his conviction, but She Said, tells the story from unique perspective—two young investigative reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor from The New York Times who broke the story. The shocking story also serves as a launching pad for the #MeToo movement, shattering decades of silence around the subject of sexual assault and harassment.

The movie takes us behind the scenes of The New York times and how these two reporters were determined to get to the truth and their thwarted efforts to get the many victims they talked to speak up. One of the highlights of the movie is Ashley Judd, who plays herself in the film, who agreed to go went on record just before the piece went to press.

Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan give outstanding performances as the two reporters, in this gripping film. Go see it.


The tomato behind The Three Tomatoes.
Cheryl Benton, aka the “head tomato” is founder and publisher of The Three Tomatoes, a digital lifestyle magazine for “women who aren’t kids”. Having lived and worked for many years in New York City, the land of size zero twenty-somethings, she was truly starting to feel like an invisible woman. She created The Three Tomatoes just for the fun of it as the antidote for invisibility and sent it to 60 friends. Today she has thousands of friends and is chief cheerleader for smart, savvy women who want to live their lives fully at every age and every stage. She is the author of the novel, "Can You See Us Now?" and co-author of a humorous books of quips, "Martini Wisdom." Because she's lived a long time, her full bio won't fit here. If you want the "blah, blah, blah", read more. www.thethreetomatoes.com/about-the-head-tomato

Cheryl Benton

The tomato behind The Three Tomatoes. Cheryl Benton, aka the “head tomato” is founder and publisher of The Three Tomatoes, a digital lifestyle magazine for “women who aren’t kids”. Having lived and worked for many years in New York City, the land of size zero twenty-somethings, she was truly starting to feel like an invisible woman. She created The Three Tomatoes just for the fun of it as the antidote for invisibility and sent it to 60 friends. Today she has thousands of friends and is chief cheerleader for smart, savvy women who want to live their lives fully at every age and every stage. She is the author of the novel, "Can You See Us Now?" and co-author of a humorous books of quips, "Martini Wisdom." Because she's lived a long time, her full bio won't fit here. If you want the "blah, blah, blah", read more. www.thethreetomatoes.com/about-the-head-tomato

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