New Documentary: Seed: The Untold Story

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by Robbie Tucker

New Documentary: Seed: The Untold Story

“We are facing the largest seed shortage in history,” informs Seed: The Untold Story. “94% or seed varieties have disappeared in the last century.” Filmmakers Jon Betz and Taggart Siegel have made a beautiful and heartfelt documentary, discussing with scions of a 12,000-year-old movement around the world: to preserve and protect the diversity and vitality of seeds.

It’s conglomerate agribusiness that gave genetic engineering a bad name, exploiting it for profit while wiping out microorganisms in the soil, as well as destroying bio-diversity. Environmental activist Dr. Vandana Shiva in India says, “Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation for our being.”

Anyone who likes to eat should see this important, visually stunning documentary; the colorful potatoes alone brought tears to my eyes. While it won’t improve your opinion of Monsanto, it will leave you feeling hopeful that the world and its inhabitants may survive yet.

Watch the trailer.

The Outrageous Sophie Tucker, Robbie Tucker, The Three Tomatoes

About the Reviewer: Robbie Tucker drove a ’55 two-toned Buick Roadmaster in San Francisco, where she started working in film production. She convinced Francis Coppola to let her work on the movie about her namesake, but moved to New York City before shooting began. When she’s not writing her own memoir, or ghost writing someone else’s, you can probably find her at the movies.


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