Design Your Life with Feng Shui Colors

Photo Credit: The Breakers
Your interiors are alive! Spaces have bones, breath, memory and they create a response within us. Even event and conference venues can impact our emotions and overall well-being. Tomatoes, you can craft the desired feeling in any interior space by the color palette you select.
The Five Elements of Feng Shui are Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. These elements are symbolic of the forces at work within the universe and impact our minds, our bodies and our lives. Each element represents a component of nature and each element is represented by a color. Like the elements, each color has an energy associated with it and a feeling. Think of expressions that we commonly use like, “she saw red!” or “I feel blue.” These are examples of how subconsciously we know that colors can express and influence our emotions. The colors we choose to live with affect our mood, our ability to focus, to heal and even influence the decisions that we make!
Earth is Yellow
Yellow is the color of sunshine and washes us with optimism and clear thinking. Paint your kitchen yellow and guests will gather there and be very talkative. Conversation will flow and there will be a general feeling of well-being. Color your home office with yellow and it will help you focus and keep you organized and disciplined.
Metal is White
White has the fastest vibration of all the colors in the spectrum. White symbolizes purity and holds the power to transform. It is also like a blank canvas which gives us the ability to create and boosts imagination. White can be used in any room successfully. However, if the room is completely decorated in white it will feel sterile and uncomfortable.
Water is Black
Black symbolizes going within. Deep, dark and quiet, it is like winter. In some cultures, black is the color of mourning and often the color worn by spiritual leaders who explore the inner world. Black is a wonderful choice when used as an accessory or accent. However, a black room would be too dark and overwhelming for most people.
Wood is Green
Green is the color of rebirth and growth. It is a fresh start, a new day, an opportunity to begin again. I call it, “a pillow for the eyes,” as it is the most restful color for us to look at. Green works for any room and is often used in hospitals because of its healing properties. Like a walk through a forest, it fosters feelings of balance, harmony and hope.
Fire is Red
Red is the color of passion, but beware! If you use too much red in a bedroom you may find it difficult to sleep. Any room washed in red will be like an exciting Tomato, but it also can ignite temper tantrums and arguments. A red dining room will intensify your appetite. In a fitness room it can increase strength, and if you add it to a living room it is sure to bring lots of activity. If you are at a lethargic point in your life or feeling fearful, red can bring you the power you are looking for and propel you into action.
Consider the energies of the colors you select when designing your interiors. Environmental Psychology and the use of colors impact our emotions and when implemented skillfully can contribute to a successful life and well-being. A well life is lived the way it is designed!
Debra Duneier is the Founder and President of EcoChi, LLC, a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, an accredited LEED® Green Associate and Certified Eco-Designer. Debra is the creator of the EcoChi® system of design and the award winning author of EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience, released September, 17th 2011. Her training, background and perspective have made her a resource on topics including: Feng Shui, Green Design and Sustainability and Wellness, for media outlets including Martha Stewart Radio, Brokers Weekly, Social Life Magazine,, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, Sierra Club, The Huffington Post and the Associated Press. In addition to her EcoChi design consulting business, Debra is a keynote speaker and also runs workshops and seminars for a variety of corporations and trade organizations. She finds grounding in nature, friends and family in her North Fork, Long Island home in New York.
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