Clean Out Your Computer Day

February is National Clean Out Your Computer Month! It’s the perfect time to tidy up our digital space and make it feel fresh again.

This special month is not just another day to look at all those random cables, extra keyboards, and other pieces of hardware lying around.

It’s a month dedicated to removing the clutter from your downloads folder, your desktop, and all the other places where unneeded, unwanted, and unused files, folders, images, and other stuff are clogging up your machines and slowing both you AND your computer’s brain down.

1) Streamline Files and Folders: If you don’t have a system for naming and storing files, they’re just going to be piling up. Come up with a predictable list of categories that you can use to create or rename folders then organize your documents into those folders. And while you’re at it, clear out any unnecessary files. Remember, a clutter-free desktop is a productive desktop!

2) Update and Uninstall: Remove unused applications and update software—those notifications are there for a reason! Doing this will free up valuable space. Because a well-maintained system runs smoother and faster!

3) Backup Important Data: Ensure your files are backed up securely. If you’re using an external hard drive or server, make sure it’s plugged in and working. If you’re also backing up to the cloud, review your settings to make sure they’re still accurate and functioning. These two actions will give you AND your computer a much-needed safety net for when something bad happens!

4) Digital Inbox Cleanup: Tackle that overflowing inbox and stop using it as a “tickler” file. Delete unnecessary emails, then organize the ones that matter into folders—15 mins a day max will help you achieve inbox Zen!

It’s not like you need to wait a year for National Clean Out Your Computer Month to get your digital life in order, right? Every month you could set a timer for 15-30 minutes and tidy up your computer to boost your productivity, reduce stress, and create a digital environment that supports achieving all your goals.

Let’s take full advantage of this month to start everyday on a productive note.

To more love and less stuff!!

Andrew Mellen has been called “The Most Organized Man in America”. His message is simple: Get rid of clutter and everything opens up. Everything means everything—your workspace, your home, your time and your life. Without clutter to distract you, you will finally have free time for what matters.

One of the pioneers of professional organizing, Andrew travels the world speaking and teaching. He also works with individuals, and global brands including the New York Mets, Genentech, American Express, Time, Inc. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

He is passionate about organization, sustainability, and mindfulness, and lives by his motto: More love, less stuff!

Find out how Andrew’s expertise, compassion and sense of humor can help change your life and your relationship with stuff today.

Andrew Mellen

Andrew Mellen has been called “The Most Organized Man in America”. His message is simple: Get rid of clutter and everything opens up. Everything means everything—your workspace, your home, your time and your life. Without clutter to distract you, you will finally have free time for what matters. One of the pioneers of professional organizing, Andrew travels the world speaking and teaching. He also works with individuals, and global brands including the New York Mets, Genentech, American Express, Time, Inc. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is passionate about organization, sustainability, and mindfulness, and lives by his motto: More love, less stuff! Find out how Andrew’s expertise, compassion and sense of humor can help change your life and your relationship with stuff today.

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